In Pain or feeling stiff? 

Want to be FREE TO MOVE?

You've come to the right place!!

Everyone should have the chance to move freely without pain.... This is my belief, at IH Soft Tissue Therapy I work with you to help build confidence in your movements, test your limits and address those pesky niggles!! 

Whether you are struggling with chronic pain, dealing with niggles from work-related pain or training for your next big competition, i've got you covered! We'll work together to help tailor a treatment plan and course of action that suits your goals and needs.

What to expect with IH Soft Tissue Therapy

You'll receive a full and thorough assessment, I take a complete medical history including any previous treatment you’ve received. Once the examination is complete I will discuss your treatment plan with you.

Every treatment plan for clients coming through the clinic is unique to you. One size does not fit all. You may require a series of Strength & Conditioning sessions before any therapy begins. Or the level of pain dictates that techniques like MET and trigger point therapy are the first part of treatment, either way its your goals that drive our treatment.

I want to know why you’re in pain, its not about just treating the symptoms, I want to empower you to mange your own recovery journey what ever this looks like! That way you can get back to do what's important.... moving freely!